Tips for Developing a Social Media Policy for Your Franchisees
Social media is one of the best ways for franchises to market themselves in 2018. While social media is a very powerful option for connecting with customers, plenty of franchisors have concerns related to platforms like Facebook and Twitter. Given the immediate and widespread nature of social media, these concerns are completely valid. Fortunately, there is a way for franchises to fully harness the power of social media and simultaneously protect their brand. The key to striking this balance is to create a social media policy for franchisees . Here are some of the most important elements to keep in mind as you work on creating this policy: The Basic Objectives of a Social Media Policy The three basic objectives of a social media policy are branding protection, legal protection and customer engagement. While many franchisors initially assume that their policy will take the form of a list of what not to do, that approach generally doesn’t lead to the best results. A better ...